The right time has come by,when the plot is ready,the characters are there and the emotions are live!!
i am very happy to get things in place even when we say crisis is in town,i dont invite him for lunch..
i celebrate satisfaction of what is right and not what is unexpected,
there is always a rule in life,when happiness comes by just grab it and not think what if sorrows was on its way..
and yes thats how we have to live with hope that one day everything will become ok,
so i have gotten my task completed i am now fully loaded with words..
thanks to the creator that he has made up my mind and given me the strenght to take this thrilling step with no doubts no confusion only passion!!
so as i have started a new journey i follow my favourite phrase"a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step",indeed it does..
i hope all goes well,
hmm right now i am bright awake in the dark wet night its raining and the breeze serves a coffee,so i am in total mood for some relaxing ideas maybe a swim early morning wil do,i better get going have to make myself a cup of coffee and then read alittle..till then a quote for all,
Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare..